About Me

Hi, I’m Sissel Tan! A young visual-rock artist, illustrator, and costume designer who enjoys blending fashion with artwork to produce powerful visual impact and a distinct personal style.

Tension and vitality are my artistic objectives, therefore music and personal emotional experiences serve as key influences for my works. Bright colors are constantly prevalent in my art as my visual language for expressing emotional outbursts. I also believe that artwork should serve things with vigor and soul, therefore mysticism and nature are also sources of my inspiration.  

The knowledge and skills I earned as a costume major in college enabled me to identify the possibility of breaking away from traditional art approaches by mixing work with textiles, sculpture, and other creative media. 

 I am willing to take risks and experiment with different materials and colors in a variety of works; My spiritual Gallery allows me to portray the unique beauty of my inner-soul. Welcome to my mental realm, where you will encounter true energy! (∗❛∀❛∗)✧*.

A super cool photo took in Changsha (my hometown) ੭ ᐕ)੭*⁾⁾